Data Protection & Freedom of Information
Would you like to find out more about how to make a Freedom of Information or Subject Access request? The list of Frequently Asked Questions below will guide you through the process.
You may also wish to read the council’s Freedom of Information Policy and Freedom of Information Publication Scheme which you can do here:
Is there anything I should do before making a request?
Yes. It is a good idea to see whether the council is already publishing the information you want. There is already a lot of information available on our website. If you think something may be published on our website, but you’re not quite sure where to find it, then please give us a call on 01892 652907 or email and we will help you locate it. Alternatively, you can read our Publication Scheme which tries to list the information available and where to find it:
Click here to read the council’s Publication Scheme.
We also keep a Freedom of Information Disclosure Log which lists all requests received since 2019. You may want to check here first to see if anyone else has asked for the same information – it could save you some time and effort if they have. You can find the log on the Data Protection page of our website.
Before making a request, you should also check that the information you are seeking is not your own personal data. If it is, then you need to make a Subject Access Request instead. You can find out how to do that by clicking the ‘Subject Access Request’ link on the Data Protection page of our website.
Who can ask for information?
Anyone can make a Freedom of Information Request. You do not have to be resident in Crowborough or the UK, or a UK citizen in order to ask us for information.
Do I need to give a reason for asking?
No. However, extra information can sometimes help us identify all the relevant information more quickly. The more information you provide about your request, the easier it is for us to help you. If we are unclear about what you are asking for, we will contact you and ask you to clarify what you are looking for.
Can the council refuse to give me the information I have asked for?
Yes. The council does not have to give out information if it is ‘exempt’. The Freedom of Information Act 2000 states that some information does not have to be disclosed. However, the council is required to give you any other information that does not come under any of these exemptions.
For more information on exemptions, you can visit the website of the Information Commissioner’s Office
How long will it take to process my request?
You should receive your information within 20 working days of us receiving your request.
Will there be a charge?
Perhaps. In most cases, information will be provided free of charge. However, there are certain circumstances when the council may charge a fee to retrieve or provide the information you have requested. In this case, we will give you full details of any charges that may be incurred before we process your request.
You can find details of how much we charge for the provision of hard copies by reading our FOI Publication Scheme on the ‘Policies and Procedures’ page of our website:
How exactly do I make a request?
All requests need to be made in writing. You do not have to complete a special form, but some people like to because it gives them a format to make the request and helps them to ensure all key information is included. If you would like to make your request via a form, you can download one here:
Click here to download a FOI Request form.
If you don’t want to use a form, you can either post your request to:
Town Clerk, Crowborough Town Council, Council Offices, Pine Grove, Crowborough, East Sussex, TN6 1DH
Or email your request to:
Will other people know I have made a request?
We keep a list of previous requests on our website, so that other people can see what has been asked. This is to help save people time and effort from duplicating a request. However, we will not publish any of your personal data when we do this. The only thing published will be the information requested, the answers given and the date we processed the request.
What do I do if I am not satisfied with how my request has been handled?
If you are not satisfied with the way we have handled your request, with any fee that has been charged or any reasons given for refusing to provide information, you have the right to appeal.
We would be very happy to discuss any Freedom of Information request, and to do this, please contact:
Town Clerk, Crowborough Town Council, Council Offices, Crowborough, East Sussex, TN6 1DH or email on
When you contact us, an internal review will be conducted and we will inform you of the outcome of this within 20 working days of receipt of your appeal. If you are still not satisfied after this review, you can appeal directly to the Information Commissioner’s Office:
The Information Commissioner
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
Tel: 01625 545745
Request summary: Senior salaries information
Date received: 8th October 2024
Date responded: 17th October 2024
Information requested:
Hello, I am writing to request the following information under the Freedom of Information Act for all senior roles held within your Council. I am requesting the following information:
Annual Salary (or indicative range):
SCP Range:
I would like to reassure you that the data is being gathered is for a staff salary benchmarking exercise. All information will be anonymised and averaged. You are welcome to request a copy of the finished document once responses have been compiled.
Whilst it is only a requirement under the Transparency Code to publish salaries over £50,000, I am hoping you will share the salary banding range for all senior officers (e.g. SCP XX – SCP XX), regardless of their individual salaries, in good faith.
For your information all Town/Parish Councils who collected a precept above £0.75M have been contacted, this information was obtained from:
I would appreciate a response back to this email within the 20 working day window (5th November 2024).
Thank you,
Finance Officer
[REDACTED] Town Council
CTC response:
Good afternoon [REDACTED], thank you for your Freedom of Information request.
Some of the information that you have requested can be found on the Crowborough Town Council website under council information/transparency code and is therefore exempt under section 21 of the Freedom of Information Act.
Some of the information that you have requested regarding senior salaries is exempted under section 40 (2) of the Freedom of Information Act
Please therefore find the information in anonymised form.
Title/Role: XXXX
Annual Salary (or indicative range):£55,325 – £59,418
SCP Range: 46 – 49
Title/Role: XXXX
Annual Salary (or indicative range):£42,403 – £46,464
SCP Range: 34 – 38
Title/Role: XXXX
Annual Salary (or indicative range): £42,403 – £46,464
SCP Range: 34 – 38
Kind regards,
Crowborough Town Council
Request summary: Liquid being sprayed at Goldsmiths Recreation Ground
Date received: 6th August 2024
Date responded: 7th August 2024
Information requested:
On Monday 5th August with my children I saw two council pickup vehicles leaving Goldsmiths Recreation Ground. One had some sort of mechanical machine on the back – the other had a tank almost full of liquid on the back.
Please could you provide me information on what chemicals were in that tank – it appeared to be connected to a spray dispensing device. Was it weedkiller? Pesticides? Fertiliser? Or what could it have been?
If potentially hazardous to human health please could you provide health and safety information, risk assessments, etc
CTC response:
Good afternoon [REDACTED],
Thank you for your Freedom of Information request. The liquid in the tank was water. Crowborough Town Council ground staff were grass seeding the pitch and were subsequently watering the seeds in.
Kind regards,
Crowborough Town Council.
Request summary: Documents, minutes and emails by councillors relating to WD/2022/1639/F
Date received: 21st February 2024
Date responded: 7th March 2024
Information requested:
Please can I have the full minutes of the recent planning meeting were the appeal on planning for houses on on Alice bright lane was discussed.m 19/02/24 . It mentions the application was discussed however I need to the full minutes of what’s was said and by who. And please cans I have access to all documents, minutes and and emails involving this application from all councillors over the period the application was submitted For avoidance of doubt the application is WD/2022/1639/F
CTC response:
Good afternoon [REDACTED], We have carried out a search on the Council’s system as per your Freedom of Information request. Please find the information requested attached.
Kind regards,
Crowborough Town Council
Request summary: Highways work at Bryants Field
Date received: 7th March 2023
Date responded: 7th March 2023
Information requested:
We are writing to you as we have reason to believe damage was caused to a Southern Water Asset due to works taking place in the road.
We would like to request for the details of any planned or emergency works that took place outside between 1st Novemeber 2022 – 25th February 2023.
CTC response:
Thank you for the attached Freedom of Information request.
Crowborough Town Council does not arrange any planned or emergency works on any roads in Crowborough. East Sussex County Council is the authority which deals with the roads and pavements in and around the town. You can find the contact information for their Highways department here:
Kind regards,
Crowborough Town Council
Request summary: Commercial Properties
Date received: 12th January 2023
Date responded: 12th January 2023
Information requested:
Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, please can you send me in excel format the following information:
A list of all commercial properties within your council area with the following information:
1) VOA Reference Number
2) VOA Property Description
3) Business Name / Occupier Details
4) 2017 Rateable Value
5) Occupation Date
6) Full Address and Postcode
7) Details of any Reliefs that each property is receiving
8) Relief Amount
9) Date Relief Applied
I would like both Limited and Sole Trader information.
CTC response:
Crowborough Town Council does not deal with commercial properties. You will need to contact Wealden District Council for the information you require.
Request summary: Meeting technology
Date received: 14th September 2022; 28th September 2022
Date responded: 27th September 2022; 11th October 2022
Information requested:
I hope all is well. I wanted to make Freedom of Information request. I am currently writing my thesis for my MSc in Public Policy about the digitalisation of the UK’s public sector – with a focus on meeting technology. I wanted to ask a few questions regarding this:
- How do you manage your meetings? Do you use a meeting management software such as a board portal or a software such as Teams, emails etc?
- If yes, what is the name of the supplier?
- If yes, what is the contract expiry and contract review date?
- How many users are on the board portal/management solution, and how much do you spend on this?
- What is your cost per user?
Could I also kindly ask for contact details for the best lead regarding this?
CTC response:
Thank you for your email dated 14th September 2022 which contained a Freedom of Information request about meeting technology. Please find responses to your questions below:
- How do you manage your meetings? Do you use a meeting management software such as a board portal or a software such as Teams, emails etc?
Town Council meetings are public meetings held in person at the Council Offices, Pine Grove, Crowborough. In accordance with current legislation, councillors are required to attend in person, however, the council uses the ‘Zoom’ software to enable members of the public to attend remotely if they wish.
- If yes, what is the name of the supplier?
Zoom Video Communications Inc.
- If yes, what is the contract expiry and contract review date?
It is a one-year annual subscription which expires on 26th April 2023. If the council decides to continue using the Zoom software a new subscription will commence on 27th April 2023.
- How many users are on the board portal/management solution, and how much do you spend on this?
The council has one subscription at a cost of £59.95 ex. VAT
- What is your cost per user?
- Could I also kindly ask for contact details for the best lead regarding this?
The Town Clerk, Caroline Miles.
Information requested:
Many thanks for your response. If I may, my question pertained more to the process in which agenda items are prepared and distributed, meetings are scheduled, and minutes and so on are published on the website. Is this done through emails, or is there a dedicated software used?
CTC response:
- How do you manage your meetings? Do you use a meeting management software such as a board portal or a software such as Teams, emails etc?
The town council uses Office365 to prepare and distribute agendas and minutes. Officers have the Business Standard package and councillors have the Business Basic package.
Three officers also have access to Adobe Acrobat Pro to prepare agendas.
Agendas and minutes are published on the website (WordPress-based) and Facebook and Twitter.
- If yes, what is the name of the supplier?
The Office365 and AdobePro packages are supplied by:
Weald Computer Maintenance Ltd, Unit 5, Horsted Square, Bellbrook Industrial Estate, Uckfield, East Sussex, TN22 1QG
The WordPress website was created in 2018 and is now maintained by the same company as follows:
Michael Bell One Ltd, St Anne’s House, 111 High Street, Lewes, East Sussex, BN7 1XY
- If yes, what is the contract expiry and contract review date?
Office 365 Business Standard: Expiry 03/05/2023, Review from February 2023
Office 365 Business Basic: Expiry 15/02/2023, Review from December 2022
Adobe Acrobat Pro: Expiry 26/03/2023, Review from January 2023
Website: Expiry – annual hosting 31/12/2022. Review of website design/hosting – Contract is rolling, annual contract for hosting. Date for design of new website not yet set; possibly around 2024.
- How many users are on the board portal/management solution, and how much do you spend on this?
Office 365 Business Standard: 13 users. £1,466.40
Office 365 Business Basic: 16 users. £729.60
Adobe Acrobat Pro: 3 users. £515.88
Website: 4 users have access to the ‘back end’ of the website to upload agendas; unlimited users viewing website front end to access agendas. Cost £250.00 ex.VAT.
- What is your cost per user?
Office 365 Business Standard: £112.80
Office 365 Business Basic: £45.60
Adobe Acrobat Pro: £171.96
Website: £62.50 per office user; incalculable cost per public user
Request summary: CrowFest Security
Date received: 5th August 2022; 11th August 2022
Date responded: 11th August 2022; 19th August 2022
Information requested:
Please provide the following information under FOI law.
- What was the cost to the council of the recent Crowfest events?
- What part did the council play in selecting security guards for the site?
- Why were some security guards not displaying SIA badges?
- What has been the feedback from the public and event participants and retailers on the security services provided?
- What efforts did the council make to ensure security guards at the event has suitable training and qualifications?
As you may have guessed I have serious concerns about the quality of the event and certain individuals who were working as security guards. I look forward to hearing from you.
CTC response:
Thank you for your enquiry. Please find an attachment and answers in blue below for ease of reference. [DISCLOSURE LOG NOTATION – IT IS NOT POSSIBLE TO MARK THESE IN BLUE ON THE COUNCIL’S WEBSITE. RESPONSES GIVEN HAVE BEEN MARKED WITH ITALICS INSTEAD]
- What was the cost to the council of the recent Crowfest events?
- What part did the council play in selecting security guards for the site?
The Council obtained three quotes from security companies. The decision on who to appoint was made on best value.
- Why were some security guards not displaying SIA badges?
There were a mixture of stewards and security guards at the event. All security Guards were wearing SIA badges.
- What has been the feedback from the public and event participants and retailers on the security services provided?
The Council received 683 comments regarding the event. 15 positive comments were made in relation to security/marshalling. 7 negative comments were made regarding security/marshalling. A spreadsheet is attached on comments received from the public, event participants and retailers on the security services provided.
- What efforts did the council make to ensure security guards at the event has suitable training and qualifications?
The company selected was a security company experienced at providing security for events.
Information requested:
Thank you for your email. Given your answer below, can you confirm how the public were suppose to understand the difference between security guards and stewards at the event? Please also include details of how you have assessed your answer against relevant legislation. Please treat this as a further FOI request.
- Why were some security guards not displaying SIA badges? There were a mixture of stewards and security guards at the event. All security Guards were wearing SIA badges
CTC response:
The council employed a company that supplied security guards that were SIA licensed. The Security Industry Authority (SIA) is responsible for regulating the private security industry in the UK and issues SIA licences after ensuring that the security officer is qualified and vetted. The Security Industry Authority works within the Private Security Act 2001.
Security Guards were wearing SIA badges and were in full black attire. Stewards were wearing high vis vests which had the Crowfest logo on them and the words Events Staff in black, in capital letters, on the back.
Request summary: Ashdown Forest Car Park Consultation
Date received: 7th November 2021
Date responded: 15th November 2021
Information requested:
The business case for the proposed car parking charges on Ashdown Forest states “The County Council, District Council, Parish Councils and local Member of Parliament have all been briefed on the potential for car park charging”
The feasibility study says “Targeted consultations: Advanced conversations have been had with local, district and county bodies as well as several interested organisations. None have raised opposition to the introduction of parking charges. This includes the local MP, ESCC, Wealden District Council, Parish Councillors, Sussex Police and an increasing number of other groups.”
Please can you advise what consultations Ashdown Forest have had with the Town Council, what committee it has been considered by and what the response was?
CTC response:
The Town Council has not had consultations with the Ashdown Forest on car parking charges. However, the matter is on the agenda for discussion at the meeting of the Sports and Recreation committee when it meets on the 23rd November 2021.
Request summary: Glyphosate herbicide usage
Date received: 1st October 2021
Date responded: 12th October 2021
Information requested:
I am a resident of Crowborough and have also sent a copy of this letter to Wealden District Council. I write regarding Crowborough’s use of glyphosate-based herbicides, about which I would like to know more.
In this letter I set out a request for environmental information, which I make in accordance with the Environmental Information Regulations 2004 (the “EIR 2004”) and/or the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (the “FOIA 2000”). Where the Information Sought is available online, I am happy to receive that information by way of link to the respective online source.
Information Sought
I request the following information:
- Which glyphosate-based herbicides are currently used by or on behalf of the Council and/or on land owned by, managed by, or under the control of, the Council?
- For the most recent 12-month period for which information is available, please could you tell me the amount and brand of each glyphosate-based herbicide in question, as well as the size of the area over which they were used.
- Please could you explain the basis for (i) the Council’s choice of particular product(s), and (ii) the Council’s decision to use glyphosate-based herbicides rather than alternative methods. Please could you provide me with copies of any policy or other document which informs that decision-making.
- I understand that, if the Council uses, or instructs other to use, plant protection products (including glyphosate-based herbicides) then the Council is required by law to ensure that:
- all reasonable precautions are taken to protect human health and the environment;
- the application of the plant protection product is confined to the crop, land, produce, buildings, contents of buildings, materials or other areas intended to be treated;
- and when the product is used in places of heightened concern (which includes, among others, areas used by the public or vulnerable groups, areas in the close vicinity of healthcare facilities, and on or along roads, railway lines, very permeable surfaces, or other infrastructure close to surface water or groundwater) that the amount used and the frequency of use are as low as reasonably practicable.
Please explain how the Council ensures that it complies with the requirements set out above in paragraph 4, particularly in terms of operational decision-making by the Council?
5. Please provide me with copies of any policy or other document which informs the Council’s decision-making in relation to compliance with the legal requirements set out in paragraph 4 above. Please also provide copies of evidence of the Council’s decision-making over the past 12 months relating to the records of decisions taken to ensure the amount of plant protection products used and the frequency of use are as low as reasonably practicable.
CTC response:
Thank you for your email requesting information regarding the use of herbicides by Crowborough Town Council. Please find below the answers to your questions in blue for ease of reference. [DISCLOSURE LOG NOTATION – IT IS NOT POSSIBLE TO MARK THESE IN BLUE ON THE COUNCIL’S WEBSITE. RESPONSES GIVEN HAVE BEEN MARKED WITH ITALICS INSTEAD]
Please also find attached the Council’s pesticides policy as requested.
- Which glyphosate-based herbicides are currently used by or on behalf of the Council and/or on land owned by, managed by, or under the control of, the Council?
Gallup Biograde Amenity
2. For the most recent 12-month period for which information is available, please could you tell me the amount and brand of each glyphosate-based herbicide in question, as well as the size of the area over which they were used.
640mililitres, Gallup Biograde Amenity, Size of area not recorded
3. Please could you explain the basis for (i) the Council’s choice of particular product(s), and (ii) the Council’s decision to use glyphosate-based herbicides rather than alternative methods. Please could you provide me with copies of any policy or other document which informs that decision-making.
The product is chosen after advice from pesticide application qualified members of staff. Glyphosate based products are used as a last resort when other methods such as manual removal and burning have failed.
4. I understand that, if the Council uses, or instructs other to use, plant protection products (including glyphosate-based herbicides) then the Council is required by law to ensure that:
- all reasonable precautions are taken to protect human health and the environment;
- the application of the plant protection product is confined to the crop, land, produce, buildings, contents of buildings, materials or other areas intended to be treated;
- and when the product is used in places of heightened concern (which includes, among others, areas used by the public or vulnerable groups, areas in the close vicinity of healthcare facilities, and on or along roads, railway lines, very permeable surfaces, or other infrastructure close to surface water or groundwater) that the amount used and the frequency of use are as low as reasonably practicable.
Please explain how the Council ensures that it complies with the requirements set out above in paragraph 4, particularly in terms of operational decision-making by the Council?
Only PA1 PA6a trained staff may use any pesticide product. Training is renewed every three years. A policy is in place for its use and each use is recorded and stored. Glyphosate is only used when all other reasonable methods of removal have failed.
5. Please provide me with copies of any policy or other document which informs the Council’s decision-making in relation to compliance with the legal requirements set out in paragraph 4 above. Please also provide copies of evidence of the Council’s decision-making over the past 12 months relating to the records of decisions taken to ensure the amount of plant protection products used and the frequency of use are as low as reasonably practicable.
Please find attached a copy of the Council’s policy. No glyphosate products have been purchased in the past 12 months and the Council therefore has no paperwork relating to the decision making process of purchasing in this time scale.
Request summary: Health and Safety Audits
Date received: 30th August 2021; 17th September 2021; 18th October 2021
Date responded: 9th September 2021; 5th October 2021; 8th November 2021
Information requested:
Minutes of the Crowborough Town Council (CTC) Personnel Committee meeting held on 22/6/21 refer to an external audit undertaken in December 2019. Please supply a copy of that audit, redacting where necessary.
The same minutes also refer to an internal audit undertaken in November 2020. Please supply a copy of that audit, redacting where necessary.
What was the operational role (job title) of the officer that commissioned the external audit?
When was the external audit delivered to CTC?
What were the operational roles (job titles) of the officers that took receipt of the external audit or who had sight of it at the time of delivery to CTC (or prior to its disclosure to the Personnel Committee in June 2021)?
Which members of CTC, if any, had sight of the external audit at the time of delivery to CTC (or prior to its disclosure to the Personnel Committee in June 2021)?
What was the cost of the external audit?
Which CTC members approved payment of the invoice for the external audit?
What was the operational role (job title) of the officer that requested inclusion of the external audit in the agenda for the Personnel Committee meeting of 22/6/21?
If inclusion of the external audit on the Personnel Committee meeting of 22/6/21 was not requested by a CTC officer, who did request its inclusion?
CTC response:
Thank you for your request for information. Please find the answers to your questions in blue for ease of reference. [DISCLOSURE LOG NOTATION – IT IS NOT POSSIBLE TO MARK THESE IN BLUE ON THE COUNCIL’S WEBSITE. RESPONSES GIVEN HAVE BEEN MARKED WITH ITALICS INSTEAD]
Minutes of the Crowborough Town Council (CTC) Personnel Committee meeting held on 22/6/21 refer to an external audit undertaken in December 2019. Please supply a copy of that audit, redacting where necessary.
You received a full and unredacted copy of the external audit undertaken in December 2019 on 22nd June 2021
The same minutes also refer to an internal audit undertaken in November 2020. Please supply a copy of that audit, redacting where necessary.
You received a full and unredacted copy of the internal audit undertaken in December 2020 on 22nd June 2021
What was the operational role (job title) of the officer that commissioned the external audit?
The Operations Officer. This was approved by the Town Clerk.
When was the external audit delivered to CTC?
18th December 2019
What were the operational roles (job titles) of the officers that took receipt of the external audit or who had sight of it at the time of delivery to CTC (or prior to its disclosure to the Personnel Committee in June 2021)?
The Operations Officer, Town Clerk, Assistant Town Clerk, Grounds Operations Manager. In their capacity as members of the H & S committee: Finance assistant. Groundsman.
Which members of CTC, if any, had sight of the external audit at the time of delivery to CTC (or prior to its disclosure to the Personnel Committee in June 2021)?
What was the cost of the external audit?
Which CTC members approved payment of the invoice for the external audit?
Cllr Colin Stocks
Cllr Martyn Garrett
What was the operational role (job title) of the officer that requested inclusion of the external audit in the agenda for the Personnel Committee meeting of 22/6/21?
The report for committee was prepared by the Operations Manager, this included inclusion of the external audit. The report was approved by the Town Clerk.
If inclusion of the external audit on the Personnel Committee meeting of 22/6/21 was not requested by a CTC officer, who did request its inclusion?
Not applicable.
Information requested:
Crowborough Town Council must either reply to this FoI request by supplying the specified audit documents, or identify the exemption(s) being used to justify refusal.
CTC response:
This falls under S21 (subsection 2a) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000. You have already been supplied with the information requested in your capacity as a Councillor.
Information requested:
Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.
I am writing to request an internal review of Crowborough Town Council’s handling of my FOI request ‘Audits Presented to the Personnel Committee on 22 June, 2021’.
The exemption used to refuse some of this request – S21 (subsection 2a) – shouldn’t be applied where the information requested isn’t publicly available.
A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address:
CTC response:
We have conducted an internal review of your Freedom of Information request and are now able to disclose the audits as requested.
Request summary: Running Track
Date received: 8th March 2021
Date responded: 18th March 2021
Information requested:
Please can you provide copies of all correspondence received from Sussex Police and any other public body that has lead to the closure of the running track at Goldsmiths Recreation Ground particularly as The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (All Tiers) (England) Regulations 2020 define a “sportsground” means any location in which elite sports training or competition takes place for the purpose of, or for purposes which include the purpose of, entertaining spectators;”
As the running track is not in a sportsground please can you advise why it is closed, and the advice you have received stating it must be closed.
CTC response:
Thank you for your email. Please find attached the email trail which includes the advice from Sussex Police regarding the closure of the running track at Goldsmiths.
I can confirm that I have no correspondence from any other body regarding the closure of the running track.
Request summary: Dogs at Wolfe Recreation Ground
Date received: 8th June 2020
Date responded: 10th June 2020
Information requested:
This is a request for information Under the Freedom of Information Act (2000). Please provide:
- The total number of complaints received by Crowborough Town Council regarding the byelaws of Wolfe Recreation Ground by year from 1990 to 2020.
- The number of complaints received by Crowborough Town Council regarding dogs in Wolfe Recreation Ground by year from 1990 to 2020.
CTC response:
We do not log complaints unless specifically asked to do so by committee or Council. Even then it would be most unusual for any Council to log complaints of any sort for 30 years. I cannot supply you with this information as we do not have it.
Request summary: Climate and Renewable Energy
Date received: 26th January 2020
Date responded: 10th February 2020
Information requested:
- Please provide a copy of the council’s policy in respect of the climate emergency.
- Please list the energy accounts held in the name of the council together with a description of the energy source for each. For example: 100% renewable source or standard/mixed energy source.
CTC response:
- At the time of writing this response the Council does not have a Climate Policy. The Environment Committee met on 4th February 2020; one of the items on the agenda was ‘To note the report on a climate emergency and agree any action’. As a result of this discussion the following was resolved:
ENV/04.02.20 – 11174 8984 RESOLVED to recommend to Full Council that a working group is set up to prepare a Climate Change Policy.
The next meeting of the full council is 10th March 2020 and this recommendation will be on the agenda.
Appendix A is a full copy of the minutes of the Environment Committee meeting of 4th February 2020.
2. Appendix B contains the requested information.
Request summary: Poster Boards
Date received: 20th January 2019
Date responded: 11th February 2019
Information requested:
Looking at the comments on Facebook about the notice boards can you tell me, under the freedom of information act how much the boards cost to buy, erect and maintain annually and how much revenue has been generated and received since their inception?
CTC response:
The boards cost £18,200 when purchased.
No separate cost was listed for erection.
The Council’s finances were digitalised at the start of the financial year 2012-13. Therefore, the information gathered is post-2012.
Maintenance costs are as follows:
2012/13 | £458.92 |
2013/14 | £16.55 |
2014/15 | £590.58 |
2015/16 | £0 |
2016/17 | £4.16 |
2017/18 | £550.90 |
2018/19 YTD | £56.06 |
The Council’s finances were digitalised at the start of the financial year 2012-13. Therefore, the information gathered is post-2012.
Income generated is as follows:
2012/13 | £635 |
2013/14 | £830 |
2014/15 | £934.00 |
2015/16 | £625 |
2016/17 | £943.87 |
2017/18 | £955.20 |
2018/19 YTD | £705.60 |
Request summary: Commercial Properties
Date received: 11th January 2019
Date responded: 11th January 2019
Information requested:
Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, please can you send me in excel (or similar) format the following information:
A list of commercial properties within your councils area with the following information:
- VOA Reference Number
- VOA Property Description
- Business Name / Occupier Details
- Current Rateable Value
- Occupation Date
- Full Address and Postcode
- Details of any Reliefs that each property is receiving
- Relief Amount
- Date Relief Applied
I would like to receive both Limited and Sole Trader information and as stated before would request this information in Microsoft Excel or similar format.
CTC response:
For this information you need to contact Wealden District Council.
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