Who is responsible?
The Crowborough area is part of a County/District structure and is served by 3 councils, Wealden District Council, East Sussex County Council and Crowborough Town Council.
It can sometimes be confusing to work out which council is responsible for which service, so to help you find the information that you are looking for, we have created this handy leaflet. It lists which council or authority is responsible for many of the day to day services within the Crowborough area, with contact details and information on who to contact.
Click here to read an accessible version of the leaflet
Crowborough Town Council
The Council Offices,
Pine Grove,
East Sussex,
Telephone: 01892 652907
Email: info@crowboroughtowncouncil.gov.uk
You can find the contact details of your Crowborough Town Council Councillors here.
Crowborough Town Council is responsible for:
- Allotments
- Bluebell Wood
- Bus Shelters
- Canada Green
- Cemetery
- Chapel Green
- Clokes Corner
- Country Park
- Dog Bins (provision)
- Floral Arrangements
- Palesgate Meadow
- Poster Boards hire
- Recreation Grounds
- The Ghyll
- War Memorial
- Whitehill Centre maintenance and hire
Wealden is the largest district in East Sussex covering 322.4 square miles (83502 hectares). One half of the Wealden population is located in the five main towns of Crowborough, Hailsham, Heathfield, Polegate and Uckfield, with the remainder divided among 37 rural parishes.
Wealden District Council
Council Offices,
Vicarage Lane,
East Sussex,
BN27 2AX
Telephone: 01323 443322
Email: info@wealden.gov.uk
You can find the contact details of your Wealden District Councillors here.
Wealden District Council is responsible for:
- Litter Bins (except on Crowborough Town Council areas)
- Building Regulations
- Car Parks
- Council Tax and business rates
- Dog bin (emptying)
- Elections
- Electoral Roll
- Environmental Health
- Footpaths (cleaning)
- Household Waste Collection (inc. bulky items)
- Housing and housing benefit
- Planning & Development
- Public and Street Cleaning
- Tree preservation
- Waste Collection and Recycling
East Sussex County Council
County Hall,
St Anne’s Crescent,
East Sussex, BN7 1UE
Telephone: 0345 6080190
Email: www.eastsussex.gov.uk/contact-us
You can find the contact details of your East Sussex County Councillors here.
East Sussex County Council is responsible for:
- Blue Badges
- Bus Passes
- Drains
- Education/Schools
- Footpaths (maintenance)
- Grass Cutting/Verges
- Grit Bins
- Highways/Road Maintenance
- Library
- Registration of Births, Deaths and Marriages
- Social Services
- Street Lighting
- Trading Standards
- Waste/Recycling sites