Crowborough Town Council Crowborough Town Council Logo Council Offices,
Pine Grove, TN6 1DH
East Sussex, 01892 652907
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Crowborough first became a Fairtrade Town in 2008 and has continued to support Fairtrade ever since.

We were delighted to receive our latest certification in 2023:

Fairtrade Certificate for Crowborough Town Council 2023

So, what’s involved in becoming a Fairtrade town? To achieve our Fairtrade status the council  committed to:

  1. Pass a resolution supporting Fairtrade and agreed to serve Fairtrade products as part of our day-to-day activities (e.g. in meetings and offices areas).
  2. A range of Fairtrade products being readily available in Crowborough’s retail outlets (shops, supermarkets, newsagents, petrol stations) and being served in local catering outlets (cafés, restaurants, pubs).
  3. Local workplaces and community organisations (places of worship, schools, universities, colleges, and other community organisations) being encouraged to support Fairtrade and use Fairtrade products whenever possible.
  4. Media coverage and events to raise awareness and understanding of Fairtrade across the community.
  5. A local Fairtrade steering group working in the town to ensure the Fairtrade Town campaign continues to develop and gain new support.

The Crowborough steering group has been in place since 2005 and is made up of local residents with a passion for Fairtrade. Every year at its annual meeting, the council nominates councillors to represent it on the steering group. From May 2023 to May 2024, the council’s representatives are:

Cllr Alison Arthur (

Cllr Martyn Everitt (

Cllr Kay Moss (

The steering group arranges Fairtrade representation at town events and organises an event during Fairtrade Fortnight.  Any funds raised at these events are used to promote the sale of Fairtrade goods in Crowborough.

More information on the aims of the Fairtrade organisation can be found on the Fairtrade website:

How can you support Fairtrade?

Would you like to get involved and support Fairtrade in Crowborough? Why not have a look at some of the suggestions below for ways to help out:


  • Look for the Fairtrade logo and buy Fairtrade products when you’re shopping. Try switching to items like Fairtrade bananas, tea, coffee, sugar or chocolate.
  • Ask your local shop to consider stocking more Fairtrade products.
  • Tell your friends about your favourite Fairtrade product.
  • Teach your children about Fairtrade and why it is so important.
  • Invite your friends out for a cup of Fairtrade tea, coffee and cake.
  • Visit the Crowborough Fairtrade website and Facebook page to find the latest local information.

Businesses and organisations

  • Stock a range of Fairtrade products in your shop, café or restaurant.
  • Display Fairtrade promotional material.
  • If you run a café or restaurant, list Fairtrade items on menus.
  • Celebrate Fairtrade fortnight.
  • Use Fairtrade teas and coffees in meetings or kitchens.
  • Stock Fairtrade drinks or snacks in vending machines.
  • Raise awareness of Fairtrade among staff using newsletters, events or displays.

Fairtrade Fortnight: 9th – 22nd September 2024 

Keep an eye on the national Fairtrade website for full information:

2024 marks 30 years of the Fairtrade mark – so look out for lots of opportunities to get involved!